
Felicity Martens Art, offers digital downloads as well as printed wall art. However, printing options are limited to the larger format prints, specifically sizes A3 and larger, which are available for customization in your product range.

Our chosen printer offers affordable prints of exceptional quality. We provide two options: Wall art and Fine Art Giclee printing. Although we have other preferred printers, our standout service is:
The Poster Factory: 

Upon completion of your order, you will be sent an email containing all shipping and product information. If any printing issues arise after our files have been sent, please discuss them with the printer while keeping us in the loop for additional assistance.

Watch the video to learn about the backstory which inspired the body of works in the exhibition. All of the artwork shown in the video was in various stages of development and not yet finished.

The second video was made during the process of painting the body of works for the exhibition and is posted on my instagram page felicity_martens_art I thought it was beautiful that it was pouring with rain the morning I made this and you can hear it running through the gutters and dripping down onto the studio roof. :-)