Arty Services

This service is offered to customers who want their portraits painted. A digital download service is available with two formats, including a quicker turnaround time using existing templates.

1) Template service

This will provide customers with the opportunity to customize a photo of their choosing with an artwork of their choosing. Our template service offers several different options for overpainting the subject. Customers are required to provide a plain photo with minimal background detail and a close-up of the subject.

2) Artist Created

Uncover the Depths of Your Personality with Personalised Artwork and Creative Time.  I will paint a unique one off artwork for you.  This commissioned piece will take more time and attract a higher fee as there will be significant number of hours dedicated to your artwork. 

With both services zoom or facetime calls are included to ensure that I have the correct impression of the person and your expectations.

3) Nudes  - For nude templates please see the 'Nude Commissions' page

This unique service combines your beautiful body with my art, resulting in a sexy yet respectful artwork that will make you feel beautiful when displayed on your wall.

Please ensure you discuss the details with me prior to starting your photoshoot and sending me the images. There are strict guidelines for the style of nude I will paint.

Please visit the 'Nude Commissions' page for more information and to book your initial consultation so I can put your artwork into production. 


The templates you see will be utilized in different artistic ways, with a similar but unique feel, unless you want your print to look exactly the same as depicted in the artist self portraits.